• Italian
  • English


  • Governance

The Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicilian Sea is a non-economic public institution endowed with administrative autonomy as well as budgetary and financial autonomy within the limits set by the law, with the institutional purpose of managing and organizing services in its own port area, coordinating the management of the ports of Catania and Augusta, projecting their activity on an international dimension.

Many functions have been attributed to the Port System Authority, such as:

Territorial planning of the port area. The Regulatory Plan of the Port System, adopted by the Management Committee after agreement with the municipalities concerned, identifies the characteristics and function of the areas concerned and specifies the overall scope of the ports, including the areas dedicated to industrial production, shipbuilding activity and to road and rail infrastructure. The assigned plan is sent to the Superior Council of Public Works, which must express itself within 45 days and is finally approved by the Region.

Direction, planning, coordination, promotion and control of port operations and other activities carried out in ports, identifying the development strategies of port activities and interventions in guaranteeing compliance with the set objectives, also with reference to safety with respect to risks of related accidents the activities in question and the conditions of occupational hygiene;

Administration of the areas and assets of the maritime government included in the territorial area.

Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of common areas in the port area, including maintenance for up-keeping of the seabed.

The Port System Authority is subject to the supervision of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport with regard to the approval of the budget, of any variation notes and of the final account, together with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, as well as the determination of the staff of the Technical-Operative Secretariat. The financial statement is subject to the control of the Court of Auditors.

6.560 mt


625.800 m2


24.000.000 m2

Bodies of Water

11.855 mt


154.152 unità

Passenger Traffic

32.379.065 tonn.

Handled Goods

291.468 unità

Rolling Traffic

51.666 unità


Port System Authority of the Eastern Sicilian Sea – Fiscal Code 93083840897 - © 2017-2019 all rights reserved - Privacy - Cookie - Credits